Getting started


Miscellanenous Fingering Charts

multi-chartFingering Chart (Kinko, Tozan, Zensabo, KSK)

Chikushinkai-chartChikushinkai/KSK Fingering Chart
© Chikushinkai/KSK

multi-chartJohn Kaizan Neptune Chart (Tozan)
© John Kaizan Neptune

myoan chartMyoan Fingering Chart

zensaboZensabo Fingering-Chart
© Okuda Atsuya

japanwmJapan World Music Fingering Chart
© Andrew MacGregor

5-7-hole-chartTozan & Kinko – 5 & 7 hole
© Tokiwa Gakki

Ueda-ryu Fingering Chart and Notation

Yoshikazu Iwamoto - Introduction to shakuhachi

iwamotoYoshikazu Iwamoto’s introduction to shakuhachi, SOAS 1987. (PDF – 11MB)

Shakuhachi learning books, playing advice & some useful links

Shakuhachi learning books:

Abbott, Carl. Blowing Zen: One Breath, One Mind.

Blasdel, Christopher Yohmei. The Shakuhachi. A Manual for Learning A detailed explanation of how to play and read Kinko-ryu style shakuhachi together with a more detailed historical narrative, plus practice exercises and a CD.

Grous, Robert. Introductory Manual for Kinko Honkyoku

Koga, Masayuki. Shakuhachi: Japanese Bamboo Flute.

Neptune, John Kaizan. Shakuhachi Introduction on how to play and read Tozan-ryu style shakuhachi with practice exercises and a CD.

Schlefer, James Nyoraku. 2000. Shakuhachi Workbook: Daily Practice Exercises for Technical Development. Willits: Tai Hei Shakuhachi.

Schlefer, James Nyoraku. The Practical Shakuhachi Etudes for Technical Development.

Taniguchi, Yoshinobu. How to Play the Shakuhachi: A Guide to the Japanese Bamboo Flute

Tokuyama Takashi with Weiss, Barry. TAKE-NO-MICHI – The Path of Bamboo: A Beginner’s Guide to Learning
Shakuhachi Honkyoku

The above books are available from Monty Levenson at:

Playing advice links:

Playing Tips by David Sawyer

General information:

Mujitsu and Tairaku’s Shakuhachi BBQ ( – USA based shakuhachi forum.
After almost three year hiatus, this shakuhachi forum sprung back into activity in January 2014. A rich source of all aspects of the shakuhachi.