News Archive
NEWS 2022
ESS Winter Concert, Sunday 11 December 2022, 14:00–17:00 CET
Dublin 1 Invitees: Araki Kodo VI, Shiori Tanabe, Nina Haarer
Dublin 2 Invitees: Akihito Obama, Véronique Piron, Christophe Kazan Gaston & Akari Sagara, Cesar Viana
Dublin 3 Invitees: Seian Genshin, Marco Lienhard, Adrian Freedman, Yoshimi Tsujimoto
Honorary ESS Members: Clive Bell, Kaoru Kakizakai, Atsuya Okuda, Brian Ritchie, Richard Stagg
ESS Members: Hélène Seiyu Codjo, Markus Guhe, Bryan Jardim, Damon Rawnsley, Tamara Rogozina, Ursula Fuyūmi Schmidiger, Laonikos Psimikakis Chalkokondylis
What is it?
We invited the teachers of the three online Dublin events and our honorary members. Furthermore we had an open call for ESS members to be part of the online concert by submitting a video too.
We think the concert will be a great opportunity to listen to a mixture of performances from traditional to avantgarde as well as an end of the year gathering to socialise online.
When is it?
Sunday 11 December, 14:00–17:00 CET
Where is it?
Right on your screen at home, on Zoom, accessible through a link distributed nearer the event date.
How do I attend?
Attending is free and easy.
Just visit our registration page (also see below) and book your place with your email and name/Zoom name. In this way you will receive the relevant Zoom link on the day before the event starts.
This is the first time the ESS is staging such an end of the year event and we hope it will become a regular feature in the ESS online calendar. Be there and be merry!
The ESS Concert Team & ESS Board
New board elected at last AGM
At the last AGM on 5 November 2022 a new board of the European Shakuhachi Society was elected. The new board for the year 2022/23 is as follows:
Chairperson – Thorsten Knaub
Treasurer – Emmanuelle Rouaud
Secretary – Nina Haarer
Media & Communication Officer – Markus Guhe
Publication Officers – Cesar Viana & Ramón Humet
Online Event ‘Road to Dublin 2’ – 5/6 November 2022
Following on from the last very successful event in May, the ESS is delighted to announce details of the next 2-day online event, The Road to Dublin 2, as a prelude to our next Summer School in Dublin in 2023, and featuring a wide range of styles, genres, levels, pieces and teachers so offering something for everyone; a real bonanza!
- Two ‘rooms’ will be available throughout to cater for both Beginners and Intermediate/Advanced so there will be considerable choice (note: there will be no ‘complete beginners’ classes)
- Longer time slots for all sessions for more in-depth study following feedback from previous events
- Teachers from Japan and rising stars in Europe have been invited to showcase their special expertise in very different genres
- A rare opportunity to learn a classic sankyoku piece taught with both the shakuhachi and koto teachers in the same room to explore the rich expressions and subtle techniques involved
- A Roundtable Discussion led by two leading researchers into the shakuhachi with two special guests to explore a wide range of cultural, aesthetic, historical, musical and construction issues in the shakuhachi incorporating participant’s questions and observations
- Opportunities to get together socially
- The annual AGM will be held on the afternoon of 5 November
Special guest from Japan: Obama Akihito
European teachers: Christophe Kazan Gaston, Véronique Piron, Sagara Akari, Cesar Viana
Roundtable convenors: Kiku Day, Gunnar Jinmei Linder with special guests Anne Prescott and Andrea Giolai
Fee: ESS members 40 Euros, Non-ESS members 50 Euros. (To join the ESS, please visit the ESS membership page)
Tatiana Rechnaya
The ESS Board and Adviser Group are saddened to learn of the untimely passing of the Russian shakuhachi player Tatiana Rechnaya on 16 April 2022. Tatiana and her partner Dima participated in WSF2018. She made many friends there because of her friendly character and her enthusiasm about the shakuhachi and Japanese music in general. At WSF18 Tatiana became a min’yō lover and stayed in contact with Enomoto sensei, who taught min’yō shakuhachi, till the very end. We have lost a beautiful member of the shakuhachi community. She was a sensitive and kind soul who loved peace and music. R.I.P.

April 9: The Registration for the 1. Online Event on the Road to Dublin is now open!
Dates: Saturday 28 May + Sunday 29 May 2022
Teachers: Araki Kodo VI, Shiori Tanabe, Horacio Curti, Nina Haarer, Philip Horan
Fees: ESS-members € 40 / Non-members €50
We are happy to announce the Road to Dublin – a series of weekend online events taking place between May 2022 and March 2023.
As due to the pandemic it was still not possible to organise the Dublin ESS Summer School in time for this year, we put forward an extended series of online events to give us all the opportunity to be in touch virtually and move together step by step towards the ESS Summer School 2023 in Dublin, Ireland, where we finally can meet up again in person.
The Road to Dublin 2022 – 2023 timeline:
28/29 May 2022 – 1. Online Event
November 2022 – 2. Online Event
December 2022 – ESS Online Concert
March 2023 – 3. Online Event
Summer 2023 – Dublin ESS Summer School
We already can announce the line up for our 1. Online Event:
(the other event dates and details will be announced in due time.)
1. Online Event – Saturday 28 May + Sunday 29 May 2022
We are particular happy to have, from the US Araki Kodō VI representing the oldest continuous shakuhachi lineage, as well as from Japan, Shiori Tanabe, representing the young and exciting new generation of the Tanabe shakuhachi family.
And we have a fine selection of European guest teachers too: Horacio Curti, Nina Haarer and Philip Horan.
The programme will have 10 sessions covering traditional and modern pieces, tips and technique and of course there will be moment to ro-buki together.
The detailed schedule and programme is to be announced in early April and registration for the 1. Online Event will open on the 9 April
Hope to see you there!
ESS committee
NEWS 2021
ESS Online Shakuhachi Summer School –
Pre-event screening of Words Can’t Go There
As a pre-event to this year’s ESS Online Summer School 2021 the ESS will be showing the documentary by David Neptune about his father, the shakuhachi player and maker John Kaizan Neptune.
The screening will be at 3.00pm CEST on 18 July followed by Q & A at 4.30pm CEST with David and John Kaizan Neptune.
Synopsis: John Kaizan Neptune was a young California surfer when he discovered the shakuhachi, a traditional Japanese bamboo flute, which changed his life forever. As an outsider in 1970s Japan, he dived into tradition headfirst and blew open the potential of this ancient instrument in a way only he could have. Directed by his son, this inside story delves deep into the life of an artist and what it cost him to cross cultural borders and become a pivotal figure in the evolution of this rare art form.
ESS Online Shakuhachi Summer School –
Call for Contributions by Members and Participants
We invite all ESS members and other participants of the event to share their knowledge and experiences with our fellow shakuhachi players.
Please find the details here.
ESS Online Shakuhachi Summer School, 24 & 25 July and 31 July & 1 August
Registration for the ESS Online Shakuhachi Summer School 2021 is now open. You can register at:
Registrations are (1) for the whole event over two weekends, (2) for only one full weekend or (3) just the content which does not include learning pieces if you are not a player or do not wish to learn new pieces.
Because we will have to meet again online, we have decided on exploring some new avenues to try to make the event unique. We have added some new forms of content, which participants of previous online events expressed an interest in. Besides the tips and techniques and the usual teaching of pieces with three renowned teachers from Japan – Fujiwara Dozan, Nagasu Tomoka and Kakizakai Kaoru – and others based in Europe, there will be opportunities to listen to people sharing their knowledge on research, on personal experiences, on shakuhachi repair/making and on composition. There will also be presentations of audio–visual materials and films including talks with their creators, and there will be four online concerts. You will also have a chance to contribute content yourself and socialise with fellow shakuhachi enthusiasts.
Information on the event can be found here:
NowHere II: ESS Winter Shakuhachi Festival, 6–7 February 2021
Following on from the very successful online event in August, the ESS is pleased to announce that it will holding a 2-day online Winter NowHere II Festival in February 2021 showcasing some of the finest players and teachers from Japan and Europe. On offer is a real potpourri :
- John Kaizan Neptune who has written more pieces for shakuhachi that anyone else ever and in a wide variety of genres will share with us his approach to the art of composition and show us how we can do it ourselves.
- Three leading performers will teach us how the same piece, the iconic ‘Tsuru no Sugomori’ (The Nesting of Cranes), is approached and played by three different schools of shakuhachi. This is a unique opportunity made possible by ESS’s remit to disseminate the rich diversity of shakuhachi styles which will be insightful for players of all levels.
- A chance to learn two honkyoku at Elementary–Intermediate level: ‘Shingetsu’ from the KSK and ‘Higo-Sashi’ from the Hijiri-kai
- Tips and Techniques: Two sessions on how to approach and improve your daily practice.
Teaching materials are now available on the website for registered participants.
Dates: 6–7 February 2021
Special guest teachers from Japan: John Kaizan Neptune, Mizuno Kohmei
European teachers: Helene Seiyu Codjo, Christophe Kazan Gaston, Antonio Enzan Olías, Emmanuelle Rouaud
Fee: €30 for non-ESS members, €25 for ESS members.
More info & registration at:
Technology: Zoom. Before the event, you will receive an e-mail with the links/Zoom invitations to the sessions.
NEWS 2020
Hoshida Ichizan III
The ESS board wishes to express its deep sadness on learning of the passing away of Hoshida Ichizan III on 14th December 2020.
We fondly remember his lessons and performances of exceptional quality at the World Shakuhachi Festival in 2018 in London.
He was one of the major figures of the Tozan-ryū, and his passing is a great loss to the shakuhachi world.
We also remember him as a kind and energetic person, with a deep wish to share his knowledge.
To his family: we are so sorry for your loss, and we send you our deepest sympathies.
Our thoughts also go to all his loved ones. We hope that time will help to heal your pain.
Horacio Curti
on behalf of the European Shakuhachi Society
ESS is happy to officially announce its 2020 online festival!
NowHere2020 – The 1st ESS Online Festival
August 1/2 + August 8/9, 2020
In keeping with the tradition of the ESS Summer Schools, but bearing in mind the current pandemic situation, this will be an online event of 12 sessions over 4 days, each session 45 minutes in length, with a robuki and Tricks and Tips session each morning prior to the first teaching session.
Dates: August 1-2, August 8-9, 2020
Special guest teacher from Japan: Kurahashi Yodo II
Non-European guest teachers: Riley Lee, Alcvin Ramos
European teachers: Véronique Piron, Gunnar Linder, Kiku Day, Jean-François Lagrost,
Fiore De Mattia, Thorsten Knaub, Marek Matvija, Jose Vargas.
(Some of these teachers may also have assistants in their sessions.)
Fee: €60 for non-ESS members, €50 for ESS members.
More info & registration at:
Technology: Zoom. Before the event, you will receive an e-mail with the links/Zoom invitations to the sessions.
It is with great regret that given the current and on-going pandemic, the ESS has come to the difficult decision to postpone the ESS Dublin 2020 Summer School. Our primary concern is always the health and safety of all our members but we would like to apologise for the inconvenience that this will inevitably cause. We are in discussion with the venue hosts and transport providers and hope to be able to provide information on the terms and process of refunds of the registration and accommodation fees shortly. We are planning to reschedule the event to the same venue and with similar dates in July 2021 and hope to invite the same teachers subject to their availability and the budget. Further details will be posted on the Dublin 2020 and the ESS websites.
Thank you so much for your understanding and support. We hope to see you in 2021.
The ESS is closely monitoring recent events relating to the novel corona virus (Covid-19) and will follow international and local recommendations and advice concerning our shakuhachi events across Europe.
In light of the present situation, the deadline for Early Bird registration for the ESS 2020 Shakuhachi Summer School in Dublin in July has been extended until further notice and all planning and registration for the event is proceeding as normal.
The primary concern of the ESS is the protection of the health and safety of all in our community and any information regarding possible future developments which may affect our shakuhachi events this year will be posted on the ESS and Dublin 2020 websites, the ESS Forum and Facebook page and in the ESS Newsletter. Participants already registered for any of our events will also be contacted individually should the need arise.
NEWS 2019
The website for the 2020 ESS Summer School in Dublin is now live. The Summer School will take place at the University College from 30 July to 2 August.
Please follow this link page to register. Early Bird rates are available until 17 March. There is on-site accommodation – go to the Accommodations page to book your accommodation.
NEWS 2018
Sad News!
It is with the deepest regeret that the ESS board pass on the news that Ken LaCosse – the owner of Mujitsu Shakuhachi has suddenly passed away. Ken was not only a fantastic person and friend to many of us in the shakuhachi world – he also hosted the “Shakuhachi BBQ” forum with Brian Tairaku Ritchie and made amazing shakuhachi. He pushed the limits of what was thought to be possible regarding wide bore jinashi shakuhachi! He called these exceptional shakuhachi for Taimu shakuhachi while his more “normal” shakuhachi were called Mujitsu shakuhachi. Heartfelt condolences to family and close friends!
R.I.P dear Ken!

The new ESS Members Area at is now ready for our members. The members area consists of exclusive online resources like e.g. concert recordings of past Summer Schools and events, previous Summer School notations and the ESS Newsletter back-issues and is open to all our members. It is a great resource already and will grow in the future as more materials become available. Enjoy!
To learn more about ESS membership options and the subscription process, please visit our membership page
The website for the ESS Summer School in Lisbon is now available. Early Bird rates are available until 21 April. Please go to the Cost & Booking page to register.
25-28 JULY 2019
Please mark your calendars and save the dates!!!

See photos in the WSF2018 dropbox folder. You can download the photos freely. If you use any of the photos please cite the the name of the person, who took the photo (also the name of on the subfolders).
Head over to the new website for more info or go straight to our ‘Tickets‘ page to book your place at WSF2018.
On the website you will find an overview of our invited guests as well as the various thematic areas the WSF in London will cover. And for the first time there will be min’yō too at a WSF!
Our Japanese language website:
The preliminary WSF2018 schedule is online now at:
We are pleased to announce the dates for the World Shakuhachi Festival 2018 in London.
The primary organisers are the European Shakuhachi Society (ESS) and the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan (KSK).
The Festival will be hosted by the world-renowned Goldsmiths University of London in partnership with the Music Department at Goldsmiths.
The WSF2018 will be preceded by a Symposium at SOAS University of London on 30 July organised in partnership with the Music Department
and the Japan Research Centre (JRC) at SOAS.
Please follow the WSF2018 on Facebook:
or visit our website
More information about WSF2018 in London will be released in due course, please stay tuned!
The WSF2018 team
NEWS 2017
Vol1 2017 The latest ESS members’ newsletter Vol.1 2017 has been added to the Publication section here: Publications/Newsletter Enjoy!
The 2017 European Shakuhachi Summer School just finished. This year it took place at Grejsdalens Efterskole (Grejsdalen Continuation School) in Vejle, Denmark.

A big ‘thank you’ to all the participants, who made this event so amazing! Without your presence, your spirit and love for the shakuhachi – and the great feeling of community you created – it would not be possible to make events like this.
For more information please visit the archived Vejle 2017 web-site. More photos on our Facebook page ESS facebook group
An updated Summer School Schedule has just been added to the Vejle 2017 website:
UPDATE MAY 31 2017 – Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin
The ESS is saddened to report that Ronnie Nyogetsu Reishin Seldin has passed away yesterday 30th May 2017. He suffered a heart attack.
Ronnie’s contribution to the shakuhachi world outside Japan was immense. Many great players studied with him. The shakuhachi community outside Japan would not have been what it is today without Ronnie’s hard work and dedication. He was a very kind, supportive and helpful person. He will be greatly missed
UPDATE MAY 16 2017 – THE ESS SUMMER SCHOOL VEJLE, 27 -30 July 2017
The Early Bird Registration Period has now ended, but there is still plenty of time to register
for this years’ European Shakuhachi Society Event in Vejle in Denmark!
Visit the registration page here:
Hope to see you there!
An updated Summer School Schedule has just been added to the Vejle 2017 website – Please have a look at
There are only a few days left to catch the Early Bird reduced registration fee. Monday 15th May is the last day for Early Bird.
Get your registration form here:
To all the European Shakuhachi Community
You are all invited for the yearly European Shakuhachi Summer School in Vejle, Denmark! The website is up and running and the registration for early bird has begun.
At the core of this year’s gathering is the notion of bonding together as a community. This year participants will have the choice to share all meals and stay under the same roof at a boading school. All 3 meals will be freshly made and brought to us from an award-winning café in Vejle.
Many of the leading shakuhachi teachers in Europe will be present – and from Japan we will also have Kogetsu Maekawa, an outstanding teacher/performer of Kinpū-ryū, Myoan-ryū and Echigo style. From Europe, we will have Wolfgang Fuyūgen Heßler, Hélène Seiyu Codjo, Gunnar Jinmei Linder, Suizan Lagrost, Véronique Piron, Jim Franklin, David Hughes, Gina Barnes, Kiku Day, Naoko Kikuchi, Torsten Olafsson and José Seizan Vargas.
The extra time we have together we will for example use to discuss WSF18 in London, so that the World Festival can become a festival for all of us.
Check the website out here:
** January 2017 ** Le shakuhachi japonais, une tradition réinventée **
The book is published by Éditions L’Harmattan, Paris 2017. French language.
How to order and more information can be found at:
You can find a summary/press release in English here (PDF)

** January 2017 ** The European Shakuhachi Summer School 2017 in Vejle, Denmark **
Dates: 27 – 30 July 2017
Place: Vejle, Denmark
Venue: Grejsdalen Continuation School (Grejsdalens Efterskole)
Address: Grejsdalsvej 176, 7100 Vejle, Denmark
Workshops: We will as usual have a large variety of workshops including several styles of honkyoku, shinkyoku, sankyoku, contemporary music, group pieces and improvisation.
Teachers: Teachers will be a mixture of European players and a Japanese guest will be invited as well. More information to come.
Concerts: Open mic concert, teachers’ concerts, student concert at the end.
The venue:
Grejsdalen Continuation School is a boarding school. This means we can all sleep, eat and participate in the workshops, lectures, meetings and other events at the school under the same roof. The Shakuhachi Summer School 2017 will thus be one of intimate character, at which spending time together is treasured more than at other events.
The school has simple twin rooms for all participants to stay in. Depending on how many participants we will be, there may be some rooms left for people to stay in as single rooms.
We will soon post information about the nearest hotels, so people who prefer to stay in a hotel can do so.
More info and website will be forthcoming in early 2017.
NEWS 2016
** October 2016 – The ESS Circle of Advisers was further enriched by 2 new members **
We welcome Ruud Baanders and James Long!
** New Committee members and Advisers elected at ESS general meeting in Barcelona **
We welcome our new committee members: Nigel Puttergill takes on the role of Treasurer and our new publication team José Vargas & Philip Horan!
Many thanks to the outgoing committee members – Joe Browning, Michael Soumei Coxall and Horacio Curti.
Also we enriched our advisers group with new arrivals – Emmanuelle Rouaud, Markus Guhe and Christophe Gaston are now part of our Circle of Advisers.
We are looking forward to work with you all and moving the ESS forward into the next decade.
You can see the full list of committee members and advisers on the about-the-ess/ess-structure page
** BARCELONA 2016 **

For a second time the European Shakuhachi Society Summer School was held in Barcelona, Spain and again it was a great success. This time we had two guests from Japan – KEISUKE Zenyoji and KAKIZAKAI Kaoru – as well as many professional players/teachers from Europe. We had more than 60 participants from all over Europe and a very wide program on offer, including various styles of Honkyoku and Sankyoku, contemporary, ensemble, min’yō, shakuhachi making as well as classes on shakuhachi & meditation and the body in relation to shakuhachi practice and a concert by the invited teachers at the beautiful Pedralbes Monastery in Barcelona. See the Barcelona 2016 website for the full program.
Also, 2016 being our 10-year anniversary, we had the ‘Shakuhachi – New Voices’ concert which was curated from open submissions and aimed to show new players and the variety of talent emerging all over Europe. Thank you very much for all the submission and the great concert.
And of course we also had a small birthday celebration!
Thanks to all the teachers and of course all the participants!
Update June 16th: The final schedule and the pieces to be taught at the Barcelona 2016 Summer School have been published.
You can find it all here:
See you in Barcelona!
Update May 2nd: The first two video intros have been released.
KEISUKE ZENYŌJI – teaching Kinpū-ryū Nezasa-ha repertoire and Kinko-ryū sankyoku at Barcelona 2016
KAORU KAKIZAKAI – teaching honkyoku of the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan, the lineage of Yokoyama Katsuya at Barcelona 2016
Watch the short introductions at:
Over the next weeks we will be introducing all the invited teachers of Barcelona 2016 – check the website every Monday and Thursday for latest postings.
Update 10th April: Don’t forget that there is only 1 WEEK left to pick up the EARLY BIRD reduced fee!

Since the ESS event for this Summer in Barcelona, 28-31.07.2016, will serve as a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the ESS, we wish to use this opportunity to experiment with new approaches. Some of these aim to improve our event model, while others attempt to allow participants, and especially ESS members, to assume a larger performative role in the Summer School, in order to reflect the developing level of participants’ playing skills, and thus their potential for a more active part as performers in concerts.
This participants concert will be a curated concert (probably 28.07.2016, evening), aimed at advanced performers who are not teachers at the Summer School. Participants interested in performing at this concert are required to apply in advance to perform, and the curators will decide on the programme. The application process is described in detail below.
A feature of this concert will be the premiere performance of the work 20151113, for shakuhachi and koto, by French composer Marc Kowalczyk. This premiere is to be performed by an ESS member, who will be selected through a process that begins with an application made in advance.
For details of how to sent applications to perform in the participants’ concert and/or to perform the world premiere of a new shakuhachi composition please visit: (english) (español)
More information about ESS Barcelona 2016:
Direct link to ESS Barcelona 2016 “Early Bird” registration page by ESMUC:
Hello Shakuhachi enthusiasts from all around Europe and beyond.
The European Shakuhachi Society Summer School 2016 will be held in Barcelona from 28th to 31st July 2016.
As this is 10 years ago the first European Shakuhachi Summer School was held in London and the European Shakuhachi Society was created, we would like to celebrate this event with what shakuhachi players in Europe would like to do! Please come with suggestions on what you would like to do at the Summer School in Barcelona! Let us know: or
In the meantime check the Barcelona 2016 website for updates.
NEWS 2015
Following the postponement of the planned World Shakuhachi Festival (WSF) in Prague 2016, with the intention of holding it instead in 2017 at a different location, the European Shakuhachi Society (ESS) advises that it is hoping to hold the following events:
1. A European Shakuhachi Summer School in 2016. Negotiations are currently underway for a suitable venue. This event, currently planned for July 2016, will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of the European Shakuhachi Society, and will gather not only many of the top shakuhachi teachers in Europe, but will also include international guests from Japan. The ESS Committee is currently in communication with potential invitees.
2. A World Shakuhachi Festival, to be organised collaboratively by ESS and Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshukan (KSK), to be held in 2017.
It is hoped that this event will pick up the threads of the postponed WSF2016, and we hope to welcome to this Festival the guests from Japan and elsewhere who were invited to WSF2016. Negotiations are underway for a venue and dates for WSF2017. We will advise you of progress in planning these events, and hope to be able to provide more details very soon.
Yours sincerely,
The ESS Committee and Advisors
A small souvenir of the European Shakuhachi Summer School 2015 in Paris. Thanks to all participants! Video by Marine Bourserie.
Paris 2015 teachers (english) Paris 2015 enseignants (français)
NEWS 2014
Paris 2015 accommodation (english) Paris 2015 hébergement (français)

The ESS Summer School in Radolfzell has just finished. Four days of great workshops and concerts!
For more photos and information please visit: Summer Schools/Radolfzell-2014
Véronique Piron reviews two new CD releases by this years ESS Summer School Japanese guest teachers: Furuya Teruo, Matama Kazushi & Kakizakai Kaoru – Fudo and Furuya Teruo – Ukigumo.

The new ESS newsletter Vol.2 2014 has just been published. It features new articles and information around the shakuhachi – you can find it in the Publication section here: Publications/Newsletter
Radolfzell Summer School draft schedule uploaded Visit the Schedule & Concerts page to download the latest schedule.
Please see the Teachers page on the Radolfzell 2014 website for details of how to book an individual lesson in the days prior to the Radolfzell Summer School.
The new ESS newsletter Vol.1 2014 has just been published. It features new articles and information around the shakuhachi – you can find it in the Publication section here: Publications/Newsletter
Rodrigo Rodriguez – The Road Of Hasekura Tsunenaga reviewed by Clive Bell.
You can read it in the CD Review section here: Publications/CD Reviews


In 2014, the European Shakuhachi Summer School will be held from June 19 to 22, in the town of Radolfzell in southern Germany, on the shores of Bodensee, the lake separating Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The focus of the 2014 Summer School will be honkyoku, with emphasis on the lineage of Yokoyama Katsuya as propagated by the Koksuai Shakuhachi Kenshukan, as well as contemporary music for shakuhachi. Other schools and directions will, of course, also be represented and taught, including Tozan and Kinko. For more information and to register please visit:
NEWS 2013
Clive Bell reviews two recent releases in the CD Review section: Chiku Za – Take To Iki and Sabu Orimo – Kamakura Juniso. You can read them here: Publications/CD Reviews

** BARCELONA 2013 ** VIEW VIDEOS & PHOTOS OF THE 2013 SUMMER SCHOOL The European Shakuhachi Society Summer School 2013 was held in Barcelona, Spain and was a great success. The activities included the teaching of four different honkyoku lines (Chikuho, KSK, Kinko & Zensabo), contemporary music (both regarding composing and performing), beginners groups, min’yo, shamisen, koto, meditation and the body in practice. In addition to the classes we had conferences on several topics by both composers and teachers. Contemporary music was an important part of the event and featured special commission of five compositions for solo shakuhachi, that were premiered during the teachers concerts. There also were one student concert and one “open mic night”. The list of teachers included: Kaoru Kakizakai, Gunnar Jinmei Linder, Veronique Piron, Kiku Day, Jim Ashley Franklin, Yoshie Sakai (koto), Fumie Hihara (shamisen & koto) and Vika Kleiman (the body in practice). We had participants from countries as diverse as: Spain, UK, Holland, Germany, Norway, Italy, Russia, USA, Japan, Australia, and Greece among others. The ESS coordinated with the “Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya” (ESMUC), one of the top official music teaching institution in Spain, to organize the event. Two more institutions joined in on the organization: the “Museu de la música de Barcelona” (Barcelona Music Museum) and the “L´Auditori” concert hall. We were really fortunate to have an excellent venue – the shakuhachi making workshops at the Music Museum Workshop, the two teachers concerts at “L´Auditori” concert hall and all the rest of the activities at the ESMUC – all in the same building!
The videos & photos you can view here: Summer Schools/Barcelona 2013
We are looking forward seeing you at the next ESS Summer School in Radolfzell in 2014! [/full_width]
Please send any items to be considered for inclusion on this page to