NowHere 2020

ESS is happy to officially announce its 2020 online festival!

Event website here:

NowHere2020 – The 1st ESS Online Festival
August 1/2 + August 8/9, 2020

In keeping with the tradition of the ESS Summer Schools, but bearing in mind the current pandemic situation, this will be an online event of 12 sessions over 4 days, each session 45 minutes in length, with a robuki and Tricks and Tips session each morning prior to the first teaching session.

Dates: August 1-2, August 8-9, 2020

Special guest teacher from Japan: Kurahashi Yodo II

Non-European guest teachers: Riley Lee, Alcvin Ramos

European teachers: Véronique Piron, Gunnar Linder, Kiku Day, Jean-François Lagrost,
Fiore De Mattia, Thorsten Knaub, Marek Matvija, Jose Vargas.
(Some of these teachers may also have assistants in their sessions.)

Fee: €60 for non-ESS members, €50 for ESS members.

More info & registration at:

Technology: Zoom. Before the event, you will receive an e-mail with the links/Zoom invitations to the sessions.