The 1st European Shakuhachi Summer School was held in London in 2006 at the Schoool of African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) and was organised by Kiku Day and Michael Coxall.
Shakuhachi Players
Okuda, Atsuya
Clive Bell
Kiku Day
Jim Franklin
Véronique Piron
Brian (Tairaku) Ritchie
Koto and Shamisen Players
Arisawa, Shino
Iwamoto, Michiko (Gayue)
Nakagawa, Noriko (Toshiyu)
Okuda, Kazuko (Masako)
Okuda, Satoshi (Utanoichi)
Zensabô ji-nashi honkyoku: Honte no Shirabe, Tamuke, Koku, Tori-Katotsuke-Hachigaeshi
Kinko-ryû honkyoku: Sanya Sugagaki, Hifumi Hachigaeshi
Dôkyoku honkyoku: Honshirabe, Shingetsu, San’ya
Sankyoku: Kurokami, Yugao, Rokudan, Chaondo, Kajimakura
Shinkyoku: Haru no Umi (Miyagi Michiyo), Three Voices in the Mist (Jim Franklin)
Chikurai Gosho (Moroi Makoto), Funda, Yugure Gensokyoku (Fukuda Rando)
Min’yô: Esashi Oiwake, Komoro Bushi, Itsuki no Komoriuta, Hanagasa no Ondo, Hi no Maru
Jazz/Improvisation: Change Has Come (Alvert Ayler), Desireless (Don Cherry), Blues for Aida (Steve Lacy)
Jiuta shamisen/Seiha Ikuta-ryû shamisen and koto/Ikuta-ryu Sôkyoku Kensô-kai: Variations on Sakura, Yugure Gensokyoku (Fukuda Rando)
CONCERT 20.07.2006 – Khallili Lecture Theatre
Hvor mange Bambus er der? – Shakuhachi: Kiku Day
Shin-musume dôdôji (Miyagi Michio) – Nakagawa Toshiyu, Arisawa Shino, Shakuhachi: Michael Coxall
Improvisation – Shakuhachi: Clive Bell
A Lattice of Winds – Shakuhachi: Jim Franklin
Improvisation – Shakuhachi: Okuda Atsuya
San’ya – Shakuhachi: Jim Franklin, Véronique Piron
Isô Chidori – Shamisen: Okuda Kazuko, Koto: Iwamoto Gayue, Shakuhachi: Michael Coxall
Blues for Aida – Shakuhachi: Brian (Tairaku) Ritchie
Okuda Atsuya
CONCERT 21.07.2006 – Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre
Tsuru no Sugomori – Shakuhachi: John Kaizan Neptune
Ame – Koto: Iwamoto Gayue, Shakuhachi: Véronique Piron
Min’yô – Voice: David Hughes, Shakuhachi: Clive Bell
Shin-musume Dojoji – Koto: Nakagawa Toshiyu, Shamisen: Arisawa Shino, Shakuhachi: Michael Coxall
In Gentleness and Suddenness – Shakuhachi: Jim Franklin
Onoematsu – Shamisen: Okuda Kazuko, Koto: Iwamoto Gayue
Zensabô Honkyoku – Shakuhachi: Okuda Atsuya
John Kaizan Neptune
John Kaizan Neptune – Ideas put into practice
Jim Franklin – Breathing Techniques
Tilo Burdach – Meian ryu shakuhachi and Nishimura Koku
Philip Horan – Playing Irish music on shakuhachi
Richard Stagg – Shakuhachi maintenance and repair
More videos of the ‘ESS 2006 Summer School’ can be viewed here – many thanks to ESS member Delmar Mavignier.